Thursday, January 29, 2009

SkyWatch Friday

After a busy week I am back. On this particular day the weather was changing every tenth minute. You can see the clear blue sky with heavy snowshowers below. I find it very interesting to be outside under such conditions, to experience the powerful nature.

Don't forget to visit SWF to see more skies.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend.


  1. Og det ser at du gjorde også - livfullt bilde på alle måter!

  2. Utrolig til bilde Ivar, og det får jo en til å undre hvor du har vært?? for her har det jo vært utrolig og deilig så stabilt vær.

    Litt snø i lufta nå kanskje...

  3. Her var det vær ja :o) Forunderlig hvor korte avstander det er mellom bra vær og dårlig vær. Flott bilde, like spesielt godt at du har fått med deg månen. Happy SkyWatch.

  4. Wow! That absolutely blows me away! What a spectacular shot... it makes you realize how truly small we are. Amazing with the moon, the colors in the sky, the mountainscape. Wonderful.

  5. Fyttirakkeren, det er flott med den derre hersens snøen!!! Selv månen blir liten i et så mektig landskap. Super SWF bilde!!!

  6. blink skudd likte at du fikk med månen ha en hyggelig swf kveld

  7. I know I've proably made this comment before but I swear I can smell the cold in your photos! Love your work.

    Cheers! Elaine

  8. Would like to be there as well.
    Stunniong blue wintershot and an intersting sky.
    Ha en fin helg

  9. La Luna Bella - she looks so tiny and fragile, hanging out up there all by herself! Amazing that all the action happens so far below, you can get a clean shot at her without obstruction.

    Tink *~*~*

    My Mobile Adventures *~*~* presents - Doo, doo, doo, lookin’ out my back door at the SKY!

  10. Unbelievable! Overwhelming… As if you’ve been above the world! I tried not to see the top of the mountain you were standing on and I though the shot seemed even more vast. Really great. Thank you so much.

  11. Nice blue colors in this picture. The moon makes it so evocative. Meybe you are moon struck ...?


  12. This is great! Even a hint of rainbow up high.

  13. Flott fanget og komponert, Ivar!
    Her har du flere værtyper i samme bilde. Er bare sommern som manglet her...hehe.

    Jeg rakk ikke å pusse vinduene før jeg knipset. Har du noe ledig tid så får du sikkert en vinduspusser jobb der.

  14. Nydelige blåtoner og vakker komposisjon! Med månen som prikken over ien. :-)

  15. Amazing and a bit mysterious feeling in this pic! Have a nice weekend!

  16. Tidlig start på weekenden i Trøndelag, men god helg ønskes tilbake

  17. Fint bilde, hadde vært kult med et menneske kanskje på kammen nærmest kamera?

  18. I love how you captured the moon, the pink in the sky and the lovely snow all at once.

  19. Great contrasting photo Ivar, love that sky.

  20. My honest opinion is WOW
    so much, so high, so wonderful.
    Lovely capture.
    Thank you for sharing.

  21. So many shades of blue. Lovely. We could use some snow here this week.

  22. Fantastic photos!I love your pictures!Very beautiful!Happy SWF and have a nice weekend!

  23. Fascinerende bilde:)Å oppleve slike endringer i været er også fascinerende...

  24. Wonder - full photo! Your vantage point was perfect to capture this difference in the layers; well done.

  25. Skjønner godt at du koser deg ute. Blir nesten litt misunnelig på deg.

    Jeg har tydeligvis en altfor liten skjerm på min laptop for jeg får ikke hele bildet ditt inn der på en gang. Må skrolle opp og ned... og da mister jeg litt av "meningen" med bildet. :-( Litt synd, for jeg tror det er veldig fint. Ja siden det er fint når jeg ser det stykkevis og delt.

  26. Such an inviting landscape!

  27. That is beautiful!

    I love your header too!

  28. Flott vinterlandskap under en høy himmel - lag på lag.
    Veldig flott. :)

  29. It was so cool to watch this download-first the moon, then the sky and then the landscape. I too love watching magnificent nature changing from minute to minute. Beautiful.

  30. Fantastisk å få flere værtyper i et og samme bilde.Stilig!

  31. Stunning photo! You have an amazing vantage point.

  32. You must have been in the mountains very high above the city. At least the result is stunning!

  33. I love this shot! I also posted a photo of the moon this week. ;-)


  34. It's caught perfectly and the vertical view is so right for this shot

  35. Very beautiful scenery. The whole atmosphere looked so misty and blue. Keep warm and have a nice weekend.

  36. Amazing! awesome!! I have no words for this photo! so far the most beautiful I ever see...
    thanks for sharing!!
    Happy weekend!

    My blog

  37. Welcome back. Nice shot. Great colors. Blue Skies.

  38. Awesome in it's true sense. Amazing how the blue sky fades into the clouds delivering the snow to the world so far below. I love this shot. Well done indeed and thanks for sharing.

  39. As cold as it looks there it looks like an amazing place to be. Beautiful!!

  40. This is a beautiful sky shot. The moon is great plus. Smiles B

  41. Enig med deg i at det er intressant å være utendørs når været viser sine sider. Finnes ikke dårlig vær osv...det er faktisk sant:) Kjempeflott bilde, her kommer været virkelig frem. God helg!

  42. oh what a world a million miles away from my african BEAUTIFUL! x janelle

  43. WOW..her har du fått med deg hele "været" Flott.

  44. what a stunning photo, so much is happening in that sky.........

    Gill in Canada

  45. Så spännande när jag rullade ner bilden på datorn. Först den blå himlen och jag kunde inte ana att väderleken "därnere" var vintrig och grå. Var stod du och fotograferade? ser ju ut som om du var väldigt högt upp.

  46. get a real feel for the distances with this moon shot and landscape.

  47. So beautiful and so many different elements to look at and enjoy.

  48. Wow ... it's awesome to see the moon above these pastel shades.
    What a space, it didn't even fit at my screen. ;-)
    Have a good weekend.

  49. Beautiful! What a contrast between the bottom of the photo and the top. Looking at the bottom you wouldn't think the top would be so clear with a view of the moon. Cool!

  50. Beautiful! I hope to see that in person one day!

  51. I love the big sky on top with the small moon (?) - makes you feel small - feel sorry for you having to wade through all these comments -it's because your photos are so good, you can't help but making a comment LOL

  52. En riktig god helg til dere også Ivar :o)

  53. Satt och surfade runt lite på nätet och trillade in här. Jisses vilka läckra bilder! Jag blev riktigt imponerad!!! Jag har en dalmatiner som kommer från dina trakter :)
    Trevlig helg!

  54. Ivar, detta foto har ALLT. Man kan inte se sig mätt på det. En av de finaste naturskildringar som jag nånsin sätt. Jag vet inte hur jas skall uttrycka min förtjusning över detta landskap och denna himmel. Du har lyckats över alla förväntningar med att skildra ett omväxlande klimat.

  55. Your work really appeals to me in the simplicity and its expression of the vastness of nature, which you convey so well. Thank you for your views of your world, so far away but so immediate somehow.

  56. This is awesome--what day was this taken?

  57. Oh this is a fabulous picture Ivafr, so atmospheric

  58. what a beauty, it just goes on and on forever...the photo i mean.

  59. Flott bilde, Ivar. Nesten litt magisk! Håper været har vært rimelig stabilt hos dere i dag sa slik at dere har kommet dere ut på tur:)

  60. Flott bilde, Ivar. Nesten litt magisk! Håper været har vært rimelig stabilt hos dere i dag sa slik at dere har kommet dere ut på tur:)

  61. You have some lovely photos Ivar...mainly all unusual for me, here in sunny South Africa we don't have such snow and ice, we have lots of ...sun!!

    Have a lovely week


  62. Ivar, you have such an incredible eye for photography. This shot is amazing. I think the purple brings it to life.

  63. The world knows I ADORE Africa but you make me long for my father's homeland!!!
    Norway is so beautiful... Thanks for sharing!


Feel free to express your honest opinion, good or "bad". I am eager to learn more about photography ;-)
Thank you.