Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sky Watch Friday

Yesterday I went out around midnight, drove away from the city lights. I mounted my camera on my tripod and started an exposure for 25 minutes. I was out to capture some shooting stars, but the only extra in this pictures are the lights from a passing aircraft ( those two white spots up to the left might be due to low quality in my cheep lense.. I even see a part of a face in the sky, do you?). This is my first time trying this but not the last. Due to earth rotation this effect will occur when using long exposure time. Up in the right corner you see the Northern Star. I wish you all a beautiful SWF and a great weekend.

For more SWF pictures around the globe, please visit SWF Homepage


  1. I love this! So incredible and inspiring! Look forward to seeing the results future such excursions.

  2. That is so cool! Worked well! Fantastic image!
    Cheers, Klaus

  3. I love long exposure photos. It must take a great deal of patience.

  4. First try with a cheap lens: you made a great work! One question: was the place really without city lights around?

  5. probably one of the strangest photos i have seen in a long time

  6. Hallo Ivar,
    great idea for SWF and a perfect blue in the nightsky. The tree silhouette a beautiful "extra" in the shot.

  7. Pretty cool. I must learn to do that. But first, I need to get a good camera.

    Happy skywatching.

  8. That is incredible! When I look at it for a while I start being drawn into the top right, like it was a spinning vortex! Totally cool, Ivar!

  9. I don't see a face, but this fabulous it kind of reminds me when i put my camera against a window you capture the lens. Can't wait to see what else you come up with

  10. Thanks for sharing your experiment. It´s good to show those too. I liked the blurry atmosphere because night is like that.

  11. Great shot Ivar, I have always wanted to do that and just never did. I missed my chance out west, with no sky polution there is so many more stars visible. Again geeat shot just like the previous post.

  12. Jammen er du tidlig på`n du gitt!!
    Og jammen ta var det blått..., flott, ja.., faktisk ganske så rått.

    Men neste fredag Ivar nå du ha linsen retet mot Christiansten festning, for da blir den blå!!
    En gang mellom klokken 1830 og 1900
    Tro det eller ei, men ukas skøyerstrek i søsterklubben til Jack Ass blir på der, juhu!!

  13. Ivar, this is breathtaking and amazing! Great job. I have never done it, but I have seen the effect! Wonderful job! I am incredibly impressed. Our sky! Wow!

  14. ja dette var fint ivar ha en god helg

  15. Den "karsken" kan være farlig...

    Du får sette motor på stativet.

  16. Golly, I like your shot of the stars in the sky. I couldn't do that in a million years. When it is this dark outside, I am in bed.

  17. Your cheep lenses?!!
    Your beautiful shots.

  18. Stileg!

    Fantastiske bilde her hos deg i det siste!

  19. I'd say wow...for a 25 sec exposure this is clean!

    Love the blueness!

  20. Det var spesielt.Dette må jeg prøve en gang selv:)

  21. Well, even if the shooting stars are missing, I think this is a beautiful shot. And how cool with that airplane coming up in the picture! Beautiful contribute on SWF.


  22. Wonderful ! ! !
    You did a large work.
    It is as if you ventilate
    in are sucked.

  23. Fantastic!
    I love the blue and the effects.

  24. Dette var flott og kult, Ivar.
    Får vel rette stativet mot himmels en kveld jeg også. Hvordan løste du det med lang eksponerig, satt du og holdt utløseren inne ?

  25. Fantastisk bra Ivar, der kom du meg i forkjøpet gitt! et sånt bilde vil jeg også få til en gang. Skikkelig bonus med flyet som dro forbi.

  26. That is so interesting...
    Fun experiment. Have a nice weekend.

  27. Utolig flott effekt og nydelig blåfarve! Jeg skjønner meg lite på sånt, men det virker veldig moro å prøve.
    Jeg likte også de to flotte nattbildene av Trondheim. Er de tatt fra Byåssida?

  28. Kult!
    Kjekt med litt andre ideer og dette var jo veldig kreativ:)

  29. Amazing shots and beautiful, other worldly! Thanks, as always!

  30. What a unique entry for Sky Watch. I like it. It's amazing how much the world can move in 25 minutes.

  31. Fantastic time exposure, Ivor! Wonderful Sky Watch! Thanks for sharing.

  32. This is an amazing shot, Ivar! You are so creative!

  33. This is amazing. Great job, especially for your first try.

  34. Oh wow, Im green with envy, great shot Ivar.

  35. That's an amazing shot. Extraordinary.

  36. Et sånt kunstverk skulle jeg mer enn gjerne hatt på veggen - når har du utstilling og utsalg? Great work! Ha en fin SWF og ei fin helg! Klemmer**

  37. That's awesome - I've never tried anything like that.

  38. Awesome photo. It's like a picture of an alien world. I wonder how long the exposure time was.It's excellent. Bravo. Have a nice weekend.

  39. I read now that the exposure time was 25 minutes. Well, I am looking forward to seeing more of photos like that!

  40. Dette har jeg sett i blader og sånn og det er jo utrolig stilig. Men du Ivar, hva gjorde du i de 25 min det tok å ta bildet? ;)

  41. Amazing effect with an open shutter! We really are moving.

  42. Whoa! Dizzy! Do it some more - this is fun!!! lol

  43. GREAT IDEA!!! I want to try this too. Your image is so awesome!

  44. I'll have to try this one. Beautiful job Ivar.

    Pensacola Daily Photo

  45. That puts a new twist on SW. :-) Really neat!

  46. Hard to believe this was your first time to do this. I have never done a long exposure at night. Your photo has inspired me to give it a try.

    Thanks for your visit.

  47. amazingly different photo Its quite cool!
    Happy SWF!

  48. Excellent and creative shot! Love the blue!

  49. This totally works! Well done, as always.

  50. WOW! What a wonderful picture and what commitment!

  51. This is so creative! Well done!

  52. This is really beautiful, not bad at all for the first attempt. Awesome blues. I will try it the next time I go to the forests where there's no city lights...Thomas

  53. That is interesting! And I'd like to try it sometimes;-)

    Mine's, HERE.Happy SWF!

  54. I have always wanted to try a long exposure like this. You are inspiring me. Your blog always does. The houses on the canal are specatacular. Thanks for some fabulous photography, and happy Skywatching!

  55. Excellent photography dear Ivar! Have a nice week-end!

  56. Wow! Every time I come here I am impressed, What a nice photo you have, thank you for sharing!
    Happy Skywatch!

  57. Wow!!!amazing maybe I want to try long exp too.
    Thank You for droping by my SWF.
    Well that's not the tower on my photo.It is a bridge structure.
    Have a nice day.

  58. It always amazes me how fast the earth rotates, wether the sun rising or setting or your marvellous spinning universe. I hoped it was a shooting star, bet even so the plane was interesting to see too.

  59. That is SO cool, I just can't begin to tell you...
    Strong possibilities that I will be trying this soon...

  60. wow! i love this picture! it's really a loooooong exposure!

  61. great great great shot!!!! I wanna try this too but still didn't have the chance to many light here in Madrid...

    What focus distance and f value did you had?

    Is it a crop?

  62. What wonderful night sky, splendid really! Makes me want to waltz! :-)

  63. Sååå morsomt:-) Ja, altså kommentaren din i bloggen min. Vil gjerne være med jeg kan du skjønne. Var faktisk innom i dag og så på bildene der. Mye bra ja:) Og så skulle jeg kommentere noen bilder der av noe ingen viste hva var. Det var nemlig Rur, som det "vokser" mye av i fjæra. Altså et dyr, men så fikk jeg ikke kommentert fordi jeg ikke var medlem eller noe?

    Har noen jeg kjenner som fotograferer, men når de møtes, snakker bare om objetiver, kameraer og alt annet utstyr en trenger og ikke trenger. Så jeg falt av jeg ja.

    Så dette var koselig:-D

    Forresten var den svimlende stjernehimmelen din fiks!!

    Riktig god helg:-)

  64. Absolutly fabulous! Your a discoverer in SWF. Never seen something so creative. Furthermore, it looks like an experiment.

    Other pictures are great too, more classic but absolutly perfect.

  65. A great photo, such a stunning effect. It is a great pleasure to visit your blog.

  66. What a neat idea! I love this shot! It looks like you're really in space! Kudos!

  67. I love these star trails images. One of these days I'm going to do this. Great job!

  68. Ja, ørnen svevet høyt og jeg bare knipset i vei som vanlig. Akkurat der og da skulle jeg ønske at jeg hadde det beste fotoutstyret som fantes + masse kunnskap...
    Men det beste av alt var at den kom litt nærmere da den antageligvis så Jølle og ble hengende litt over oss og da jeg laget "ørnelyder" - så svarte den... Trenger ikke julegave i år jeg...Sitter og gliser enda;)

  69. Ivar, that's great! A wonderful photo!
    Have a nice weekend!

  70. Your photos are awesome. What a lovely and magical contribution to Sky Watch.

  71. Gu så TØFT!
    Bildet er så vakkert og flott at du kan godt få henge det på stueveggen min når som helst! Lenge siden jeg har sett et foto som jeg har likt så godt! Fantastisk Ivar!

    Ha en koselig søndag:)

  72. Cool picture, and nicely executed. Like it a lot

  73. Ivar: I apoligize, visiting all the sites and missing yours. What a neat photo and a really neat explanation my friend.

  74. What a fabulous shot you took! I really enjoyed seeing this and I think I may have to try one myself if I can figure out how to do it with my camera!

    Thanks for your visit and please pardon my delay in getting back. I have been away without my computer for a few days and am just starting to catch up on missed visits!

  75. Good idea, Ivar.

    And beautiful, wonderful photo ...

  76. I learnt something new from this post of yours. Will try to see if I can do it. Thx.

  77. Kjempestilig bilde. Jeg kan visst ikke eksponere mer enn 30 sek på mitt (har jo bulb da...), men det hadde vært stilig å prøvd.


Feel free to express your honest opinion, good or "bad". I am eager to learn more about photography ;-)
Thank you.