Monday, November 10, 2008

I am still waiting for some snow


  1. Den versjonen var den beste - og komposisjonen var topp!

    Du har "øyet" - det viktigste i all fotografering etter mine begreper.

  2. Samme her:-) Ser dårlig ut enda, men flott bilde da!!


  3. WOW...what a way the you captured the textures in the snow...Thomas

  4. Flott bilde ja, men du mener ikke du venter på dette hvite..? Mannfolk!

    Og nei, jeg og Mr E har ikke kosa oss foran denne peisen enda. Han tok et strøk til med sementmasse over gulvet igår og begynte snakke om at det var mulig å leie seg en slik sementbil med slange og greier....!
    Jeg sier det igjen, mannfolk!

    Snart blir det krypkjeller der nede og da frykter jeg vi må ligge ved peisen....

    Takk for kommentarer, jeg nekter skrive under sky watch greiene så det var på tide med et nytt innlegg her hos deg nå ;0)

  5. The snow will arrive soon!

    Meanwhile, this is a stunning photo to help you remember. ;-)

  6. Ivar: What a snow drift, I wouldn't walk under it.

  7. Fantastic image! Very impressive!
    Cheers, Klaus

  8. Why you want snow? It seems you already have plenty in your photo:) Brilliant formation.

  9. Holy snow, batman! What a glorious scenery, something I can only wish for here. Brilliant composition.

    Here's hoping for a productive and smooth sailing week.

  10. Vinteren kaan du ha for meg også snøen.
    Men bildet ditt er flott da:)

  11. Great shot. Beautiful chance.

  12. That's just amazing! You know, I'd be curious to know exactly what's under that that started the whole thing. It could be a skinny little tree. :-D

  13. Wow now that's a big snowdrift, great picture Ivar

  14. are you really waiting for some snow? we're just praying for rain!

  15. I hope you get your wish. ;-)


  16. From the looks of this shot, you're about to get all you can handle!

    But is that actually snow, or is it rime ice? One of the local meteorologists here sent me some links to some spectacular shots of examples of rime icing that looked very much like this. When the wind starts whipping and depositing small water droplets the ice forms like a crystal in solution and it can lead to some amazing scenes!

  17. WHOA!! That is awesome!! Great photo.
    You can have some of mine... I don't mind but ours is melting a little so it may be a little slushy... but I'm sure yours is just around the corner!! =)

  18. That's beautiful. I live in southern Finland and we have had very warm winters past two years. Last winter we didin't have snow at all.

    You could still see this kind of snow landscapes in Finnish Lappland but even there the winter starts later than it used to do.

  19. This picture is one of the few that will make me miss Scandinavia with all my heart... But then I remember the constant winter darkness, and I am back on earth again. Thanks for a beautiful reminder though!!!

    Greetings from West Africa,

  20. yo soy colombiana, por casualidad entre a tu blog, que lugares tan bellos y que fotos tan lindas.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Congratulations on being chosen as a blogger of note. Your photo's are incredible. A real enjoyable experience : )


  23. you have got a realy cool blog here,awsome photos

    thanks for sharing

  24. reading through comments, I will google search rime ice...

    you are incredible with a cam, keep up the good art work

    new friends I hope!

  25. Nice, Just great Blog Ivar, you are making me wanna live out there - remote and quiet - good job


Feel free to express your honest opinion, good or "bad". I am eager to learn more about photography ;-)
Thank you.