Thursday, January 14, 2010


Here I am standing at Saltstraumen just outside the city of Bodø. I am told that this is the worlds strongest tidal current with up to 400 million m³ of seawater forcing its way through a 3 km long strait every 6th hour. Vortices up to 10 m in diameter and 5 m in depth can be formed, whirlpool.
Saltstraumen is a popular place for fishing, due to abundance of saithe/pollock, cod, wolffish and halibut. Coalfish is the speciality for this area, the largest documented caught on a fishing rod is 22,7 kg.
This bridge is 768 meters long, the longest span is 160 meters and the maximum clearance to the tidal current is 41 meters.

If you take a close look you will see a "spot" in the sky above the bridge. That is not a dead insect on my lens, but a Sea King mk 43 Helicopter.

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  1. Virkelig flott Ivar.
    Stilige bevegelser i strømmen.
    Man har lite å stille opp med dersom man ramler uti der.
    Ha en fin start på helga

  2. Wow what an awesome scene, you captured it perfectly.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  3. Boy you wouldn't want to fall in there! Great shot.

  4. Fantastic capture, Ivar! And, no, I surely wouldn't want to fall in there! Very dramatic shot! Have a great weekend!


  5. What to say... Amazing. I wish I was there.

  6. Du får frem veldig godt den sterke strømmen i bildet! Veldig bra!

    Bildet ble tatt forrige helg, nå om dagen er det jo tåke og rimfrost som herjer i byen! Men nydelig er det også. Skulle bare hatt litt bedre tid til og tatt bilder...

    Ha en fin helg!

  7. A great picture - just don't all in. Water is very powerful as it churns through the rocks.

  8. Flott komp. bilde fra Straumen.
    Har vært her noen ganger selv men har ingen bilder fra denne kanten.

    Ps. tror jeg ville ha redigert bort den sorte prikken. Det er sikkert en måke.

  9. Beautiful - that water looks like mercury.

  10. Just gorgeous pic again! (My sister is living in Bodö...)

  11. Awesome picture, and your explanation added nicely. It sort of makes one want to come and visit. thanks for sharing.

  12. a good day ivar
    love all the action in the cold cold gray water...fab capture.

  13. What an action in that water.
    Great to see, thanks for sharing!

  14. Just the right place to go for a swim in those whirlpools. Okay, guess not...

  15. Wow...the turbulance in the water is amazing...I don't know that I'd be standing that close to it. I don't think anyone would survive it if they fell in!

    The photo is beautiful though...a very nice contrast of the turbulant water in the forefront and the scenic almost peaceful bridge, then the threatening clouds above. Well done!


Feel free to express your honest opinion, good or "bad". I am eager to learn more about photography ;-)
Thank you.