Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Old rowing boat

The only thing missing is the old fisherman with his gear.


  1. Even though there are some dark clouds there, this is a very peaceful photo. Maybe the fisherman is near somewhere taking a nap.

  2. I really like the smallness of the boat against a large landscape and heavy clouds.

  3. Fy søren så fine bilder. Både dette og det av Hurtigruten.

    Jeg lo godt av kommentaren din hos meg.

    ... men nå LYNER det her. Jeg må forte meg å stenge ned. Bør jeg ikke det i sånt vær?????

  4. It seems like you could row on the other side of the lake and still find nobody over there. A beautiful photo of a lovely scene.

  5. Ja nå har du fått opp storleiek på bildene. Her har du brukt en mindre blender så jeg syntes ikke skarpheten i dette var dårlig.

    + Fin komposisjon og stemning.
    - Litt skjeivt i horisonten og en tanke utbrent i skyene. LOL.

  6. I bet you took it out for a spin around the lake.

  7. Lovely shot!
    The beach looks so lonely. I like the perspective of this photograph; I assume you were using a wide-angle lens.

  8. Outstanding photo. Makes me want to be there.

  9. I like your deserted boat picture. Because it is free, it has to belong to some on who will return. If not, it would wash away.
    Same goes for empty pair of shoes pictures. :-)
    Thank you for peeking at my Wordless Wednesday RR machine and for your nice comment.
    Nobody I know knows what that thing is.

  10. I can feel the fresh air in my lungs. Thanks!

  11. a peaceful place with dramatic tone. excellent composition

  12. There is something about old wooden boats. They have appeal, much like mountains in the distance call you to them, a boat does the same thing. Beckons you to adventure...

    Nice shot per usual..

  13. There is where the Horse head from the Godfather ended

  14. Ivar: I'm there, I at least fit the old part, and I certainly have a lot of fishing gear.

  15. I'd love to take that little boat out for some fly fishing, there's definitely enough water there and
    not a snag in sight.
    Great relaxing scene.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Interesting shot! For the composition, I would probably have cropped it a little tighter, focusing more on the boat itself.
    Cheers, Klaus

  18. Gorgeous picture! The season is over, lonesome bank.........

  19. Ivar,
    I see that I will be visiting Norway almost daily. Your photography is stunning. I especially liked the one on the skywatch article last week - it is truly amazing.

  20. I like this composition, the stone/log next to the boat seems to have an eye on the boat

  21. Fantastisk vakkert bilde!
    Flott med den blå båten liggende på den gulbrune sanden. Du vet....blått og gult er komplemantærfarger og den størset kald/varn-kontrasten vi har. Derfor blir også fargene så effektfulle sammen.

    Nydelig :-)

  22. I love the light on the boat! Beautiful.....

  23. I disagree with the person who suggested a tighter crop. Not in this instance! The enormity of the sky is part of the appeal of the photo. I believe it is perfect as is. Thanks for yet another beautiful shot. Happy SWF and thanks for visiting my blog!

  24. But wuld the fisherman and gear add to this photo? I'm not thinking so. This picture is about as perfect as one could be. And I love the clouds in it.

  25. I just LOVE your pictures. Every time I come I find a new one I love the most : )!

  26. Beautiful calm well composed photo... Bravo.


Feel free to express your honest opinion, good or "bad". I am eager to learn more about photography ;-)
Thank you.