Monday, September 8, 2008

More pictures from last weekend

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Råkvåk kveld panorama copy


  1. Høy WOW faktor igjen! Veldig bra bilder med utrolig stemning! Fantastisk sted du har vært og tatt disse bildene.

  2. All that was one weekend? So different in the pictures, but I think the last 3 are the same view? I love the low perspective in the first one and how the stones in the water show. The color in the second one is so vibrant. The last 3 are all just spectacular. I like how the middle one has such a sweeping sky. Excellent photography!

  3. godt å se at du også behersker fototeknikken fra havoverflate nivå.

  4. The one with the small red houses just makes one smile. I would so much rather be fishing:)

    Very good photos!

  5. fantastic views, great colors. amazing!!!

  6. Sitter på jobb å beundrer dine bilder..., drømmer meg litt bort i en ellers så grå hverdag her...

  7. Woah! Great shots Ivar! Each and everyone!
    Cheers, Klaus

  8. The low angle on the first shot is special to me. I can't get down that low unless I fall and then I would probably drown before I could get up.

    I like the other photos too, Ivar. And am so glad you are getting the exposure you so richly deserve.

    ALso, I don't know if you are interested or not or if you have ever seen a Pileated Woodpecker, but I posted one on My Birds Blog this morning. It is our largest woodpecker and this is the first one I have seen here in 46 years.

  9. Flotte bilder Mr! Tenk å ha en slik brygge nede ved fjæra da... Men hva skulle en egentlig drømme om da..?

  10. Ivar: That is a slendid set of photos and I liked the second view with the house best of all.

  11. These are lovely photos, colorful, and the house on water, wow, water so blue looking contrasting with red, and reflection. I love it. Great shot..Ivar!

  12. De 3 første kan bildene kan du bare trykke opp en hel bunke av og sende ut til kiosker ol. De er fantastisk fine og passer utmerket som postkort fra Norge. Tenk å få et sånt fint kort i postkassen med en hyggelig hilsen skrevet bakpå....


Feel free to express your honest opinion, good or "bad". I am eager to learn more about photography ;-)
Thank you.