Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In the year 2008...

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Had a laugh today ;-D

In 1969 Armstrong walked on the moon, now we have the Internet and everything seems to be computer based.Well not everything :-)

The good thing is that the price went down :-)


  1. I can't stop looking at the greens and yellows in the back ground;)

  2. How very true.. I always say: "We can send someone to the moon but they can't make a printer that works half the time." We seem to have terrible printer and copier problems at work.

    Keep this pic,, one day you'll look back and laugh (or dream) at the price.

  3. Let me add,, Neal Armstrong lives/lived in the city I live in.. No one ever saw him. He would not come out, he never made public appearances, he avoided the whole moon thing. I know everyone always names him as the first but I think he should realize with that accomplishment goes the commitment to the public especially when the anniversary comes around or a special nasa event.'s not like we are in LA where the peeps hound you to death. We are in SW Ohio and I honestly wouldn't know him to see him.

  4. good news for you. here in greece we don't have even gasoline because of a strike.

  5. Fantstisk. Kanskje det er derfor vi boikotter Statoil og Shell

  6. I tilegg har de glemt hvordan gatekjøkken skrives - for oss pedanter heter det ikke Gate Kjøkken!

    God fangst!

  7. Thanks for a light beginning to my day...that background is beautiful, by the way.

  8. Ivar: Just proof that you have to do what's necessary. I do hope the prices go down.

  9. I can't remember the last time I saw an Esso sign here in The States. I guess that tells you how old I am!

  10. Hehe....har de kanskje ikke bredbånd i Selbu????


  11. I haven't seen a real person do this in a long long time! I am glad it went down! YAY!

  12. One might think that with fuel prices changing so frequently, a better system would be found. But maybe it's just good that some people have jobs that require a little bit of physical activity!

  13. Den var god.
    Lurer på hvor mange ganger i uken han der klatrer opp og ned. Prisene forandrer seg i et sett så han får sikkert mer enn nok med trim.

  14. Forstår nå hvorfor prisene går så tregt nedover...

  15. Har funnet bloggen din via ArneA og RuneE, må si jeg liker bildene du tar.
    Kommer til å kikke innom med jevne mellomrom.


Feel free to express your honest opinion, good or "bad". I am eager to learn more about photography ;-)
Thank you.